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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Man with ‘stage 4 renal cancer’ receives kidney from ‘selfless’ stranger

A man with “stage 4 renal cancer” was given a new lease on life by a woman who was a complete stranger to him. Chase Cooper suffered kidney failure and was advised that he put his name on a transplant list, which would mean he could end up waiting several years before receiving this vital organ. Following this, his wife posted a Facebook post asking for help. Surprisingly, a stranger contacted them to help them in this dire situation.
“God is good. That is all I can think to say. What an incredible storyline he wrote for us and Hanna. Hard to fathom that a total stranger, compelled by her faith and following/growing in it – saved MY HUSBAND. Never will there be another day that Hanna is anything but family to us,” Cooper’s wife, Kaila Dawn Cooper, wrote in a Facebook post.
Earlier, she shared posts on the platform to reveal how Hanna Durbin saw her family in need and decided to donate her kidney despite being a stranger.
“The gratitude that we have for her is insurmountable,” Kaila told the New York Post. “There are not enough words in the English dictionary that I know to accurately explain how thankful we are for her selfless sacrifice,” she added.
Since being shared, the post has gone viral and is being re-shared across various platforms. The share has further prompted people to post different replies.
“So, so thankful for this,” posted a Facebook user.
“Been thinking of y’all all day! So glad to hear all this wonderful news. I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days/weeks/months in recovery as well. The Kessinger clan loves y’all big,” added another.
“Glad everything went so well,” joined a third.
“Excellent news! This couldn’t have happened to better people. So happy!” wrote a fourth.
